5 contoh kalimat tenative suggestion dan stronger suggestion
1. 5 contoh kalimat tenative suggestion dan stronger suggestion
you it and a new Jersey and I was the last night I can get the other hand it to get back on a new Jersey USA time for you
2. 5 Contoh kalimat suggestion
- I suggest you to eat healthy foods everyday
- You mustn't wear T shirt at school
- I suggest you to forget your ex
- You must wear black shoes at school
- You must study hard to get good marks in national examination I suggest you NOT tO eat that I suggest you tO stop smokkng I suggest you tO eat rice I suggest you tO kilo yur Mom I suggest you tO die
3. 5 contoh kalimat suggestion dan respo
Suggestion U should stop smoking U need this pencil U must pray on the time U have to forget her
4. 5 contoh kalimat expression suggestion
5 contoh kalimat expression of suggestion:
Why don't you visit your grandmother this weekend? Isuggest you to tell the truth about this problem.You should go home by now.You had better go home early, your kids is waiting for you.It is better if you go there by car as there is no public transportation in that area.PenjelasanLima kalimat diatas adalah contoh kalimat yang biasa digunakan dalam memberikan saran (suggestion) akan sesuatu hal. Sedangkan phrase yang sering digunakan untuk asking suggestion expressions antara lain:
Do you have any suggestions about this matter?What do you suggest?Any suggestions?What do you think about...?What is your comments about this?Untuk memberikan saran biasanya menggunakan should/had better/ought to/how about atau why don't. Beberapa phrase yang sering digunakan untuk memberikan saran antara lain:
Why don't you visit your grandmother?You should tell her the truth.You had better go home early, your kids is waiting for youTentunya ketika ada seseorang yang memberikan saran/suggestion, kita akan meresponnya. Ada dua cara untuk merespons saran tersebut, yaitu menerima/accepting atau menolak/rejecting.
Phrase yang bisa digunakan untuk menerima suggestion (accepting):
That's a good idea.That's great!Thanks, that's awesomeAwesome idea!Phrase yang bisa digunakan untuk menolak suggestion (declining/rejection) antara lain:
I'm not sure about that.I don't think it's a good idea.Thank you but...Pelajari Lebih LanjutUntuk belajar lebih lanjut mengenai materi expression of suggestion, silakan kunjungi link berikut ini:
Detil JawabanKelas: 8
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Kategori: Expression Giving Suggestion
Kode: 8.5.1
Kata kunci: Giving suggestion, asking suggestions, suggestions, saran
5. contoh kalimat suggestion dan contoh kalimat offer
suggestion : "Its time for study. You should pay attention to our teacher, Budi, turn off your hp."
offer : "What's wrong? What can I do for you?"
6. contoh kalimat suggestion
ayo beli barang ini... bisa membuat muka anda menjadi lebih putih dan bersih misalnya seperti artiis korea gitu ( menurutq itu sugesti... soalnya beberapa penonton membeli produk itu... tpi itu baru menurutku ya...)suggestion-> nasehat
1.you can borrow my money
2. just take a rest, i thinks after that you can feel better
3. be honest, maybe teacher will accept your reason.
7. 5 contoh kalimat larangan dalam ungkapan suggestion
You must not late to the school
You must put the litter in the desk
You must not throw it outside the garbage
I suggest you dont rely on other
I suggest you dont have a fight with him
contoh kalimat larangan suggestion di masa pandemi/covid19
you must not touch your face before washing your hands. ( kamu tidak boleh menyentuh wajahmu sebelum mencuci tangan) Don't take off your mask. ( jangan melepas maskermu) No panic buying. ( dilarang panic buying(memborong bahan baban karena kepanikan berlebih)) stop travelling (berhenti berpergian) you are not allowed to host or attend gatherings. (kamu tidak di ijinkan untuk mengadakan atau menghadiri perkumpulan.)penjelasan:
kalimat larangan (prohibition) adalahjenis kalimat yang bertujuan untuk melarang seseorang melakukan sesuatu karena dampak yang dapat di timbulkan oleh aktivitas yang di larang tersebut.
do not/don't....... (contoh:do not play with fire)no ....... (cnth: no outside food or drink allowed)stop... (cnth:stop smoking).you must not/ musn't... (cnth; musn't enter this room).you are not allowes to.... (cnth: you are not allowed to re ord the movie)8. 5 contoh kalimat suggestionbantu tanya maaf
I suggest you go to school early. Let's go to the library to pick up additional books.
How about tarying once again?
I think you should go see him.
We could eat at home today.
9. berikan 5 contoh kalimat suggestion (could)
Giving suggestion adalah bentuk ungkapan yang diucapkan dengan tujuan menyampaikan saran atau masukan kepada orang lain, dengan harapan orang tersebut bersedia melakukan saran atau masukan tersebut. Masukan ini bisa berupa nasihat, pendapat, gagasan, dan yang semacamnya.
Ekspresi yang digunakan untuk memberikan suggestion antara lain adalah:
I think .......
What about .............
What if ....................
You should ....................
Let's ..............................
Maybe you want to ............................
Berikut adalah 10 contoh kalimat suggestion beserta artinya
1. You look exhausted. You should get some rest. (Kelihatannya kamu kecapekan. Kamu harus beristirahat).
2. What if we go to the town square tonight? (Bagaimana kalau kita pergi ke alun-alun kota malam ini?)
3. I think the correct answer is B. (Menurutku jawaban yang benar B).
4. You might want to find something to eat first. (Sebaiknya kamu makan sesuatu terlebih dahulu).
5. It's getting dark here. Let's go home immediately. (Hari mulai gelap. Ayo kita segera pulang).
6. I don't think you can say that. That's impolite. (Menurutku kamu tidak bisa berkata seperti itu. Tidak sopan).
7. I suggest you to stop smoking before other people around you get sick. (Aku sarankan kamu berhenti merokok sebelum orang lain di sekitarmu sakit).
8. How about a bowl of chicken soup? It's good for your health. (Bagaimana dengan semangkuk sup ayam? Itu baik untuk kesehatanmu).
9. What if you speak more clearly? People won't understand what you say if you speak that way. (Sebaiknya kamu bicara lebih jelas. Orang tidak akan mengerti perkataanmu jika begitu cara bicaranya).
10. You should learn and practice English more often. (Kamu harus lebih sering belajar dan mempraktikkan bahasa Inggris).
1. You look exhausted. You should get some rest. (Kelihatannya kamu kecapekan. Kamu harus beristirahat).1. You look exhausted. You should get some rest. (Kelihatannya kamu kecapekan. Kamu harus beristirahat).2. What if we go to the town square tonight? (Bagaimana kalau kita pergi ke alun-alun kota malam ini?)1. You look exhausted. You should get some rest. (Kelihatannya kamu kecapekan. Kamu harus beristirahat).2. What if we go to the town square tonight? (Bagaimana kalau kita pergi ke alun-alun kota malam ini?)3. I think the correct answer is B. (Menurutku jawaban yang benar B).1. You look exhausted. You should get some rest. (Kelihatannya kamu kecapekan. Kamu harus beristirahat).2. What if we go to the town square tonight? (Bagaimana kalau kita pergi ke alun-alun kota malam ini?)3. I think the correct answer is B. (Menurutku jawaban yang benar B).4. You might want to find something to eat first. (Sebaiknya kamu makan sesuatu terlebih dahulu).1. You look exhausted. You should get some rest. (Kelihatannya kamu kecapekan. Kamu harus beristirahat).2. What if we go to the town square tonight? (Bagaimana kalau kita pergi ke alun-alun kota malam ini?)3. I think the correct answer is B. (Menurutku jawaban yang benar B).4. You might want to find something to eat first. (Sebaiknya kamu makan sesuatu terlebih dahulu).5. It's getting dark here. Let's go home immediately. (Hari mulai gelap. Ayo kita segera pulang).Penjelasan:
semoga membantu jangan lupa ikuti dan followjadikan jawaban yang terbaik10. Tolong berikan contoh kalimat suggestion seperti di gambar. Masing masing 5..
1. I suggested a musical for the my school's graduation performance.
2. He suggests a trip to Hawaii for the long holiday.
3. Maria suggested a song to the radio station.
4. Lilac suggested a role play for this season's show.
5. Katrina suggests an explanation.
1. She suggested that we should go to a quiet place.
2. She suggested that we should get going.
3. Ilham suggested that we should be a good student.
4. Rudy suggested that we should go to Uruguay for the road trip.
5. Lala suggested that we should open a lemonade stand.
Semoga membantu :)
11. Contoh kalimat if causes inferative dan suggestion masing" 5
If clause+ suggestion
If you want to get better, you ought to take your medicine regularly.
If you want to buy some cheap souvenirs in Yogyakarta, you had better stroll around Malioboro streets.
If Vivian made mistakes, she should apologize to her friends.
If you want to be a president, you should care of other people.
If you want to look attractive, why don’t you wear the nice dress.
If clause +imperative
If you walk outside, close the window firmly.
If you keep the cat, feed it regularly.
If you want sunbathing under the sunlight, wear the sunglasses.
If you lack on the speaking skill, memorize vocabularies as much as you can.
If you want your cake looked nice, put cherries on top of the cake.
Penggunaan -If clause terdiri dari 5 jenis
1. If Clause + reminder ( pengingat )
If clause ini digunakan untuk mengingatkan terhadap suatu kebaikan atau hasil tertentu demi meminimalisir kejadian yang tidak diinginkan.Rumus
IF+simple present, Subject+has to/have to/must + verb 1 + O/C
If you want to pass the last exam, you must study hard.
{ Jika kamu ingin lulus ujian akhir, kamu harus belajar giat }
2. If Clause+ Suggestion ( saran )
If clause ini digunakan untuk memberikan masukan (saran), langkah-langkah yang seharusnya dilakukan.Rumus
If+simple present, Subject+should/had better/ought to + verb 1 + O/C
If+simple present, why don't + subject + verb 1 + O/C
If you got toothache, you should visit a dentist.
{ Jika kamu sakit gigi, sebaiknya kamu menemui dokter gigi }
3. If Clause + Imperative ( Perintah )
If clause ini digunakan untuk memerintah seseorang melakukan sesuatu atas hal tertentu yang diinginkanRumus
If + simple present, Subject+ Verb 1 + O/C
If you want to have slim body, eat vegetables and low fat foods.
{ Jika kamu ingin memiliki tubuh langsing, makanlah sayuran dan makanan rendah lemak jenuh }
4. If Clause + General Truth
If clause ini digunakan untuk menjabarkan fakta yang tidak bisa disangkal kebenarannya.Rumus
If+simple present, simple present
If you put water in the freezer, it changes into an ice.
{ Jika kamu memasukan air ke dalam lemari pendingin, itu berubah menjadi es }
5. If Clause of showing a dream ( Angan/mimpi )
If clause ini digunakan untuk menjabarkan sebuah keinginan / hasrat impian di masa mendatang.Rumus
If + simple present , simple future
If I finish my study, I will go abroad
{ Jika saya menyelesaikan sekolah saya, saya akan pergi ke luar negeri }
For more information, learn about the related topics
brainly.co.id/tugas/3155352 ( If clause reminder, suggestion, imperative, general truth & showing a dream )
Detail AnswerLevel : Shs (12 )
Subject : English
Category : Sentence structure
Code : 5
Categorization : 12.5.2
Keywords : If clause "imperative" ; If clause "suggestion"
12. 5 contoh kalimat suggestion menggunakan kata should5 contoh kalimat menggunakan kata must
You look so tired,you should take a restYou should bring dictionary at English lessonwe should take a medicine for Shinta, she's look paleI should make my work nowstop the bullying,we should be a good peoplemust
we must study hardyou must clean this classwe must make our parents proud with usyou must be the best at the olimpiadewe must take the rubbish and throw that to the dustbinsemogamembantu
must:digunakan untuk yang memang harus dilakukan, sifatnya harus /wajib
should: digunakan untuk memberikan advice (nasihat)
Must :
1. you must be able to win this race.
2. You must know that to achieve all your dreams you have to learn.
3. you must to jog every morning.
4. You must know that instant food is not good for health.
5. You should know your mother loves you more than anyone.
Should :
1. you should study.
2. you should exercise every morning.
3. you should have dumped the trash in its place.
4. you should think first before acting.
5. you should apologize to him.
13. contoh kalimat suggestion
woul yuo be so kind enongh to go with me
(mau kah anda berbaik hati untuk pergi bersama saya) :)
stay waiting for you
14. contoh kalimat suggestion
Kalimat suggestion : Kalimat saran.
Contoh :
"I think you should clean your room"
"We better do our homework fast"
"I think it's better for you to say sorry to her"
etc.I suggest that we call it a day
15. Buatlah 10 contoh kalimat asking suggestion, dan 10contoh kalimat giving suggestion?
You should be more careful next time.
You better come on time.
Being honest is much better than anything.
It would be nice if you can play fair.
I recommend you to reading at least one book at night.
You should be more careful in managing your fund.
semog membantu
16. contoh kalimat suggestion
1. You shouldwork hard in order to be a successful man
2. You'd better going home tomorrow. It's still raining outside
3. Why don't you sleep in my house?
4. Let's do our homework together
5. How about leaving this country next year?
17. pengertian suggestion ?contoh kalimat suggestion ?ungkapan dan respon suggestion ? ada yang tau gak ?
suggestion = saran/nasihat/
ex :
A : I am terrible at english. what do you suggest?
B : You should try this blog. it is a fantastic blog
18. Suggestion dalam contoh kalimat
you should eat more vegetable.
19. tuliskan masing-masing 2 contoh kalimat tentang asking suggestion, giving suggestion, accepting suggestion, dan declining suggestion.
- Asking suggestion: I have a toothache. Do you have suggestion for me?
- Giving suggestion: Why don't you go to the dentist tonight?
- Accepting suggestion: OK, I will.
- Declining suggestion: I can't. I have another appointment.
- Asking suggestion: I want to go to the cinema, but I don't know what should I watch. Do you have any ideas for me?
- Giving suggestion: How about watching The Conjuring 3?
- Accepting suggestion: That's a great idea. Thank you.
Declining suggestion: I'm sorry, I'm not into horror movies.
20. Contoh kalimat if + suggestion
if you don't have that much money, I don’t think you should buy a new car.